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Ladies Retreat 2024- Fully Known

Know your unique calling. Know He cares for you. Know God loves you anyways. Know your worth.

Friday September 27 - Sunday 29, 2024

Our speaker this year is Suzanne Eller. She is a bestselling author, speaker, and host of “Prayer Starters” and co-host of “More Than Small Talk” podcasts. She is also the founder of TogetHER Ministries. Find more information at

How much is it to go to Ladies Retreat?

  • Full Registration (includes 1st t-shirt)= $150

  • Saturday Only (includes 1st t-shirt)= $100

  • Commuter (includes Saturday brunch, dinner, and 1st t-shirt)= $120

  • AFTER September 5th Full Registration (size L t-shirt while supplies last)= $175

  • AFTER September 5th Saturday only= $125 or commuter= $125 (size L t-shirt while supplies last)

There is a non-refundable, non-transferable deposit of $50 for each registration.

This year we are offering several extra activities.  Some are included in your registration fee, while others have date deadlines and additional cost associated with them to purchase supplies.

Friday Pre-Conference Workshop: "Who am I?" - Joan Swanson (no fee, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED)

High Tea: ($20, dress is Sunday best, remember your Tea Hat)

Painting: ($25 FEE, registration is limited and a first registered basis)

Bible Journaling: ($5)

"Cup of Grace" Coffee House: (no fee) We will have "Fully Known" Tag design and Adult coloring located at the coffee house.  Show your creativity and personality with a customized name tag.

Sign Language Choir (no fee): Led by Bonnie Wood, DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES

Bible Study (no fee): Led by Barb Tennant

Friday night Social: (no fee, bring a snack to share)

Archery and Ax Throwing: (no fee) equipment provided.  Please bring your own equipment if you have some.

Campfire Connection (no fee): Enjoy a relaxing atmosphere around a Chambers Camp campfire.  SMORES INCLUDED

Board Games and Goodies (no fee): Bring snacks to share as you sit with new and old friends playing cards, board games or putting puzzles together.  This is intended to be a casual time together, while enjoying others company.

Blitz Auction and Silent Auction (no fee):  BRING YOUR HANDMADE ITEMS OR BASKET ITEMS!  Proceeds will be donated to two missions; Chambers Camp and Retreat Center to continue the upgrades, work, and mission of the camp and Hope 4 Burundi.

Gently used prom dress collection:  Please bring gently used prom dresses to the Retreat.  Buena Vista is collecting them for a prom 2025 event.

To register, follow the link below:

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