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Put an 'X' through your anxiety on your New Year Checklist!

Join PNY Wesleyan Women at Lyncourt Wesleyan Church on Saturday January 27, 2024 to put an 'X' through anxiety! This seminar, brought to you by Suzy Roach, will be an all day event from 8:30am-4pm with a continental breakfast and soup/salad/sandwich lunch provided.

Anxiety may be the fear over your shoulder, the worry by your side, or the dread hanging over your life. For many, it's a powerful giant that would like you to believe that your life will never be normal again. A giant that traps you in darkness and defeat.

Anxiety is dead...but it’s still deadly. Anxiety may be the fear over your shoulder, the worry by your side or the dread hanging over your life. For many, it’s a powerful giant that would like you to believe that your life will never be normal again. A giant that traps you in darkness and defeat.

But, you can live free from anxiety. Knowing firsthand the reality of the battle of anxiety, Hadassah (Suzie) Roach shares both practical and spiritual ways to walk in freedom. With encouragement and hope she unfolds the truth in the paradox that anxiety is dead but still deadly –namely, that while the reality of anxiety may be intimidating, there is One whose power has already won the battle.

Hadassah will show you how to put an "X" through your anxiety using the strongest of weapons: the cross of Jesus. Each day of the journey will help you put one foot forward in the battle, breaking through strongholds where Jesus has already fought for you and won.

Hadassah (Suzie) Roach is a Christian speaker, writer, teacher, and life coach to many women across the Northeast. She is a mother and the wife of a Pastor in Northeastern PA, where she is very active ministering to the saved and unsaved. She also councils women in recovery, and has a love for the needy, where she shares her testimony often about how the LORD has saved and rescued her from a life of pain and struggle.

She is an experienced teacher in applying biblical solutions, and truths to real life struggles. This comes across in her teaching with love, humor and humility.

She also is a biblical counselor in areas of common cultural needs, including single parenting, marriages, addiction, and post-abortive shame and guilt.

Her primary goal is to bring help, healing, and hope to anyone God puts in her path.

To Register for our event with Suzy Roach, follow the link below to our events page:

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